
CBCT Library 3Dbiomodels

Biomechanical models

PET – Socket Shield models



Characteristics: Edentulous-Toothless. Healed ridge. Real patient. Bone density : D1-D2- D3-D4.
Our model material behaves similar to natural bone during drilling and cutting.
Practices: Implant placement. Anterior bone graft. Implant lacement Suturing, flaps,flaps, incisors. Anterior bone graft. Socket preservation technique

Lower jaw model

Characteristics: Partially edentulous. Healed ridge.
Soft tissue. Total edentulous. Healed ridge. Acrylic Overdenture. Total edentulous. Healed ridge. Clear model. Total edentulous. Bone density : D1-D2- D3-D4
Practices: Bone expansion. Implant placement. Suturing, flaps.
Soft tissue Graft. Connective tissue graft. Socket preservation. Bone augmentation.


Characteristics: Total edentulous with 4 implants defects. Periimplantitis, no calculus. Periimplantitis with calculus. Soft tissue. Bone density : D1-D2-D3-D4
Practices: Implant placement. Bone regeneration. Vertical and horizontal Ridge Augmentation. Socket preservation. Implant installation Periimplantitis. Bone augmentation.

Bone Augmentation – Bone grafting

Characteristics: Partial edentulous, fixed teeth, bone density (D1-D2-D3-D4 Sockets), deshicences.

Practices: Implant placement, Bone regeneration, Vertical and horizontal Ridge, Augmentation, Socket preservation, Implant installation.


Characteristics: Total edentulous mandible. Bone density : D1-D2-D3-D4 Narrow crest 3mm anterior area. Healed ridge. Sockets after extraction teeth and atrophy posterior area. Pots extraction sockets canine, first molar Dehiscence socket canine. Horizontal bone augmentation. Healed ridge posterior area. Healed ridge anterior area.
Practices: Implant placement. Socket preservation technique. Biomaterial training. Bone augmentation. Suturing, flaps, incisors.

Perio models

Perio models are made in a single block. Teeth fixed, removable. Replaceable gum
Different stages of periodontal disease. Resorption and other bone defects on the entire alveolar bone allowing subgingival probing, scaling and root planning practice.
Furcated molars to demonstrate furcation lesion treatments in the posterior region.
Possibilty to combinate and articulate

Extraction teeth models

Practices: Apiceptomy maxilla. Extractioned teeth with infection simulation. Extractioned teeth Schneider membrane. Acrylic bone material for bone grafting training.
Perfect Partial edentulous maxilla with soft tissue. Perfect socket in both, central incisor and left first molar. Dehiscence in the socket of central incisor. Severely atropy in zone of right molar


Skull – Sinus Lift Models

Characteristics: Moderate resorption, defect alveolar bone Fixed teeth. Bone density : D1-D2-D3-D4. Thickness left side: 3-4 mm. Thickness right side: 5-7 mm. Both sinuses with Schneider membrane. Soft tissue.
Practices: Implant placement. Sinus lift. Bone regeneration, GBR. Incisors, flaps, suture. Socket preservation technique.

Stomatognathics Models

BOPT model

Suture Platform

Didactic patient kit

Zygoma model

Regular implant installation Zygomatics implant surgery.

Order the model with the bone density you need:
DM- XXX – D1/D2/D3 or MIX D2-D3

Possibility to produce diferents densities in the same model upon request

Prosthetics models

Didactic models for Patient. Hard gingiva models. Soft gingiva models. Hard and soft gingiva models – Mixed. Basic models. Prosthetics models with soft gingiva articulated


Macro models

Because everybody is special and has different needs we are flexible and
accommodating. We would be very happy to work with you to design and
create any models according to your particular requirements.
Possibility to customize the macro implant with the real implant in aluminum , titanium or steel.